Tag Archives: technology

How much worse can it get?

23 Jun

I am not Carl Sack from Boston Legal Season 4, but once in a while I like to google my name and the name of my friends to see what turns up. Narcissistic you might think, but I strongly believe it is important for a regular internet hound like myself to see what might pop up by way of cross links and references. However, I was not prepared for what I found! A html page on my school website, that had on it the list of all the students in the school, their matriculation / student identification numbers, and the bank and teller numbers of payment of school fees for the current session. HORRIBLE!

I don’t even want to imagine the damage that is possible if a professional hacker gets to work on the school website. Its simply preposterous that a university of such status cannot be more tech conscious. Why does everything have to be so sloppily done? I am not a person to whine, but this level of laxitude and corporate denseness has to stop. I don’t even want to talk about the security features of the school website. Just thinking about it makes me sick!