Tag Archives: olusegun obasanjo presidential library

Information on: Youth Perceptions of Human Security in Africa – OOPLIB.ORG

13 Jul

Well, as the closing date for the previously most popular essay topic draws closer, more attention is being given to the essay competition organised by the Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Librarywww.ooplib.org

I checked the website and discovered that the prizes for first to third are: $3,000 and a laptop, $2,000 and a desktop, $1,000 and a desktop respectively. That should prove to be some incentive! You can check the website for more information (www.ooplib.org).

I googled the topic out of curiosity, and I found some interesting information on gun use among youths, as well as some non governmental organisations that are into human security issues all across the world. I will post some useful information on this topic, as well as my perspective on the issue soon.

A word of advice! The fact that the essay is for submission in August will make alot of persons relax about writing. the truth is that, if you want to write a prize worthy peice, you really must begin your research early. This topic is wide and encompassing, and despite it being an opinion piece, the availability of facts and verifiable data will prove very useful in being convincing. Consider carrying out a small survey in your local community to give credence to your perspectives. Enjoy.

Essay Competition : Youth Perceptions of Human Security in Africa

25 Jun

The Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential Library is holding her inaugural Africa – wide essay competition. It is for undergraduates studying in African universities.

The theme is ”Youth Perceptions of Human Security in Africa” .
The deadline for the submission of essays is Friday, 29 August, 2008.
I know what you really want to know about… what is the prize? Well, Academic writing should not be turned into bounty hunting. There are so many opportunities that can be gotten from participating in such essays that are more than financial. Anyway, keep visiting whichlevel.wordpress.com and I will furnish you with more information as time goes by.