Tag Archives: download free e-books

Check the resources page for great links to books and tutorials!

25 Jun

I have begun updating that page with useful links. Please, carefully read the disclaimer on the page before using any of the resources. To go to the resources page, click the link in the pages section on the right of your screen at anytime while on the page, to straight there now Click here.

The books are usually in form of Adobe’s Portable Document Format, you can get that HERE.

The fields range from Information Technology / Programming to Cooking Recipes. Search around and find what you want. Please if these resources are not helpful, stay tuned to whichlevel.wordpress.com. As much as possible, do not contact me to ‘find’ or ‘get’ you any books. I no resemble your papa… lol. Well, seriously, I have enough on my hands, I won’t usually have the time. Use the forums on the sites I have mentioned to request for books, http://www.ebookee.com is very useful for that.

Once again, READ THE DISCLAIMER! Cheers people.